Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blog 12: Prokaryote and Eukaryote Wordle

Wordle: Bacteria and viruses and fungi
 A virus is an intracellular parasite that uses precursors of the host cell to reproduce.  It uses either the lytic or lysogenic cycle to reproduce.  Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages.  Viruses can only infect a limited amount of cells by knowing their host range.  They are viral emerging diseases in all living organisms.  Bacteria are prokaryotic cells therefore allow researchers to investigate genetics in the simplest true organisms.  Bacteria reproduces in a process called conjuction in which direct transfer of genetic material  occur between two bacteria cells that are joined together temporarily.  R plasmids are bacteria that have resistant genes that specifically kill antibiotics such as anmpicillin.  Bacteria must be treated right away before it spreads inside the host or else the organism's disease will turn into a virus.  A fungi gets its nutrtion from asorption.  Exoenzymes brake down complex molecules to simpler complex molecules that help in asorption.  The mycellium is the part where the fungi gets its food from the nutrients of the soil.  There are four types of fungi: Chytrids, zygomycota,   Glomeromycota,  Ascomycota( sac fungi) and Basidiomycota (Club Fungi)  Fungi can be found in any habitat they can infect a plant, animal and even food.

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